Friday 7 August 2015

How To Get Website Referral Traffic From Pinterest

Pinterest is a social media site where users can pin their images as well as re pins other images they see on internet which in turns get them more traffic from pinterest So in this post I am going to tell you few effective tips on how to get website traffic from pinterest

The power of Pinterest for bloggers is undeniable for your social media marketing promotions. Tweets on Twitter and posts on Facebook and Google+ have relatively short periods of time that they are viable and found by your followers
  • Profile :
About the person who is sharing these pins and if you give all the basic information about your self like what you do, what you like, what business you are in then people will be more likely to follow you and this will drive more referral pinterest traffic So when you create your profile take out some time and fill in all the appropriate information about yourself and your website
  • Image Quality :
pinterest will do it's job but if you are not doing your job right then how can you blame others so I would recommend to pin only high quality images which are meaningful to your niche or services and I am sure that you can get more pinterest traffic pretty easily 
  •  Pinterest button :
I am sure that you must be having other social media sites sharing buttons on your blog site so why not put pinterest pin it button also and this can really get you more traffic from pinterest since people are more attracted to images so when they read your blog post and they like the image you have used on your blog then chances are they will re pin your images into their pinterest account and if they are having lots of followers then you can get more pinterest traffic instantly which in turn can subscribe to your blog to get more updates about that topic
  • Create Your Pins :
As you know that people love original content in similar passion people love original images so try to create you own pins which will drastically get you more re pins, likes, backlinks and comments  And don't be afraid that if you are not a Photoshop expert to create highly creative images instead you can simply create memes for your images using free online meme generators and I am pretty confident that you can drive more referral traffic from pinterest to your blog site for free 

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